Wednesday, October 27, 2010


I can't think of a word to describe how I am feeling lately. I think the most appropriate word would be "blah." But, since that word is probably not in the dictionary, and does not make a very good post title, I am going with disenchanted.

School has been going OK for my son. The new placement is not as bad as I feared, but also not as good as I had hoped. We have had almost all good days, but I don't think any progress is being made. The school seems to be so focused on just keeping things calm that they may have forgotten that their purpose in his life is to prepare him for the future.

And what am I doing about it? Absolutely nothing. I am tired of fighting them. I am tired of being shot down. At this point, as long as he is relatively happy at school, and they are not doing anything to harm him, I am letting it go. I am doing what I can to get him the services he needs outside of school, and that is going to have to be enough for now.

Maybe when those services are in place and the school can see how it is helping, they will step up and do the right thing. For now, I am tired of repeating myself and never being heard. I get enough of that from my kids!

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